Tarzan a gay xxx paroday

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Look at his abs! Holy fracking hell, this looks great. I love Alexander Skarsgård but I think that Diego Sans portrayal is pretty damn awesome. #MENteaser Are you ready? #MENTarzan #gaypornparody cumming tomorrow! Watch trailer 👇 /lwfBLBpLFh The first scene comes out today, July 1, 2016. The series will star Diego Sans as Tarzan and include Luke Adams, Colton Grey and Tobias. Regardless though, I am so happy that they’re doing this! Variety makes the world great and this is definitely much different than most typical gay porn scenarios that we usually get. Anyways, Men.com has not even finished their Captain America Gay XXX Parody yet and they’re already doing another parody that’s also somewhat sci-fi…ish. Is that a fetish? Wanting a primitive man to take you and make you in his sex slave. Have you seen the Tarzan movie starring Alexander Skarsgård? I have not, but I will be watching the porn parody series based on him from Men.com! I have had a cave man fetish since as far back as I can remember.

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